- [ PARADOX LIVE/가사 ][가사 번역] Paradox Live All ARTISTS - Rap Guerrilla2021-06-10 18:27:55➠ TRACKLIST13.BErmud△ Tri△nglE / BAE 14.One Shot One Kill / The Cat’s Whiskers 15.Runnin’ /cozmez 16.A.K.Y.R -悪漢奴等 Go over da TRAP- / 悪漢奴等 17.Rap Guerrilla -Paradox Live All ARTISTS- [알렌]We The BAE 起こす guerrillaWe The BAE 일으켜 guerrilla[사이몬]TCW In Your Area[카나타]cozmez Gonna Take It All[이오리]悪漢奴等が Burn It All나쁜 녀석들이 Burn It All[ All ]Hey! Whoa oh oh oh-oh-ohHey! Whoa oh oh oh-oh-ohhhHey! ..
- [ PARADOX LIVE/가사 ][가사 번역] 나쁜 녀석들(悪漢奴等) - A.K.Y.R -悪漢奴等 Go over da TRAP-2021-06-10 18:14:03➠ TRACKLIST13.BErmud△ Tri△nglE / BAE 14.One Shot One Kill / The Cat’s Whiskers 15.Runnin’ /cozmez 16.A.K.Y.R -悪漢奴等 Go over da TRAP- / 悪漢奴等 17.Rap Guerrilla -Paradox Live All ARTISTS- 悪漢奴等だこの野郎 나쁜 녀석들이다 임마yeah..yeah..同じ志を持つ同士達へ 같은 뜻을 가진 동지들에게Rest In Peaceお前は俺 俺はお前너는 나 나는 너高く飛ぶぜ!높이 날아보자고!日常茶飯事 売られりゃ買う喧嘩 걸리지 않으면 거는 싸움 일상다반사あの敗北に数えねぇカウントテンは 그 패배는 손에 꼽지 못할 정도失ったもんよりデッカな愛情 잃은 것보다 더 거대한 애정与えて..
- [ PARADOX LIVE/가사 ][가사 번역] cozmez - Runnin'2021-06-10 18:11:14➠ TRACKLIST13.BErmud△ Tri△nglE / BAE 14.One Shot One Kill / The Cat’s Whiskers 15.Runnin’ / cozmez 16.A.K.Y.R -悪漢奴等 Go over da TRAP- / 悪漢奴等 17.Rap Guerrilla -Paradox Live All ARTISTS- It's about time to run this rap gamecozmez, Haha, heyRunnin’ the gameRunnin’ the game nowRunnin’ the gameRunnin’ the game now逆境も越えてきた역경도 넘어서 왔다Runnin’ the game, Wassup?Runnin’ the game, Wassup ?Runnin’ th..
- [ PARADOX LIVE/가사 ][가사 번역] The Cat's Whiskers - One Shot One Kill2021-06-10 18:04:39➠ TRACKLIST13.BErmud△ Tri△nglE / BAE 14.One Shot One Kill / The Cat’s Whiskers 15.Runnin’ /cozmez 16.A.K.Y.R -悪漢奴等 Go over da TRAP- / 悪漢奴等 17.Rap Guerrilla -Paradox Live All ARTISTS- Yeah TCW in da buildingYeah!One Shot One Kill ここが正念場 One Shot One Kill 이곳이 결전지いつでもスタンスは挑戦者 Stance 는 언제나 도전자One Shot One Kill 例えどんな One Shot One Kill 설령 어떤現場だろうと Make it 関係ねえな현장이라 해도 Make it 상관없지 Ready Go G..
- [ PARADOX LIVE/가사 ][가사 번역] BAE - BErmud△ Tri△nglE2021-06-10 18:01:18➠ TRACKLIST13.BErmud△ Tri△nglE / BAE 14.One Shot One Kill / The Cat’s Whiskers 15.Runnin’ /cozmez 16.A.K.Y.R -悪漢奴等 Go over da TRAP- / 悪漢奴等 17.Rap Guerrilla -Paradox Live All ARTISTS- Welcome To The Danger ZoneHere I GoEvery Scar Will Build My Thrown いらない子 쓸모없는 자식Hit You Back With A Brand New Song 필요없어 過去につける白黒 필요없어 과거의 옳고 그름Stay Gold Stay Gold 捨て子がひっくり返す Game Show버린 자식이 뒤엎는 Game ShowWo..